Understanding Compromise….
Dave Winer is going through an interesting legal problem, he is being sued by his former lawyers/law firm, Russo & Hale. Bottom line, his lawyers want a piece of a nice pie that they had… Understanding Compromise….
Dave Winer is going through an interesting legal problem, he is being sued by his former lawyers/law firm, Russo & Hale. Bottom line, his lawyers want a piece of a nice pie that they had… Understanding Compromise….
News.com, Forbes.com: Ticketmaster, an operating business of IAC InterActiveCorp, said it acquired a majority stake in Emma Entertainment Holdings HK, a provider of ticketing and event promotions services, to expand operations in China. I don’t… Ticketmaster Buys Stake in Chinese Ticketing Firm — What’s Next…?
So today is the 16 year anniversary of Ticketron being “turned off like a light switch” as my boss at the time, Fred Rosen, liked to say. I was working for Ticketmaster at the time… Ticketron’s 16 Year Anniversary
Ever have one of those projects that starts small, then grows a bit? The next thing you know, it’s got a mind of it’s own and has grown out of control…. Well, I have a… Projects that take on a life of their own….
What are the value of domain names these days…? You could always go and look at something like the Domain Name Journal and see the latest “registered” sales (click on the corresponding year to see… Domain Name Values, or… Does Amazon Want to Buy Recordstore.com?
Reuters, News.com: Ticketmaster is suing eBay Inc. in Los Angeles, accusing the Internet auction company’s subsidiary StubHub of fraudulently obtaining premium tickets to sell online. OK, I hate to be the one to say it,… Ticketmaster sues eBay’s StubHub over ticket sales
I had the opportunity to go to a luncheon today where Senator Barbara Boxer (D – California) was speaking. The luncheon was held at the Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles and hosted by a… Time Spent with Senator Barbara Boxer
LA Times: Simple, ‘one size fits all’ ticket pricing has become a thing of the past as teams use the Internet and other avenues with an eye on increasing revenue. The Dodgers now sell 24… Baseball charts new course on seating
C|NET News.com: “Event ticket retailer Ticketmaster announced Monday that it has acquired a majority stake in online-focused music marketing company Echomusic.” I don’t think that this was news to anybody, the only part that is… Ticketmaster buys stake in Echomusic
I own a great domain… LaWeb.com. I’ve owned if for years and have never done anything with it. But it’s a new year and I’m doing some spring cleaning, so a little while ago, I… Site Development for LaWeb.com