I can’t believe I let it happen….
So I went out with a friend for drinks tonight…. I didn’t want to go out, but it is my former neighbor and she’s good fun, so we went around the corner for drinks…. To… I can’t believe I let it happen….
So I went out with a friend for drinks tonight…. I didn’t want to go out, but it is my former neighbor and she’s good fun, so we went around the corner for drinks…. To… I can’t believe I let it happen….
Today is the second anniversary of my late cat’s passing. Her name was Plump, well ’cause she was plump. I loved her very much and you can visit her at the rainbow bridge….
News.com: Can the Net make ticket scalping legit? The above article at News.com talks about the internet legitimizing the ticket brokering business. We could have a long discussion about this, and while it has brought… Ticket Scalping and the ‘Net
Today is the 15th anniversary of the end of Ticketron…. I have to admit that I had a little something to do with that. I was part of the team that did the conversions at… The end of Ticketron… 15 years later!
Mark Cuban’s Blog Maverick: “Traditional media goes to work, bloggers live their work.”
So the notion is that comment links on blogs have more weight in search engines…. So I’m going to leave this message open as a test, accepting comments. First, I am going to post a… Comment Cheating….
NYT > Technology: Thousands of producers are creating programming for the Internet aimed at very dedicated small audiences, on everything from vegan cooking to poker.
NYT > Technology: CBS is seeking a larger Internet audience by offering the tournament’s first 56 games for free on cbssportsline.com, cstv.com and ncaasports.com.
So today is my birthday… I was born on this day many, many years ago. It really became apparent a couple years ago when i was writing something that my mother then proof-read and commented,… Today is my Birthday!
First let me say that it was an amazing trip! I would do it again in a heartbeat! While not everything was perfect, you can’t expect it to be over a month’s time, it was… OK, so I’ve been back for a couple weeks….