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MP3 Blog Roundup | Metafilter

Top News Article | Another interesting article from Reuters about blogging music and it’s ability to keep old and unusual stuff “alive”.

Jeffrey Veen: MP3 Blogs and wget

An interesting article on how to utilize some Unix to scrape for new music routinely. I’m going to set this up on my new server when i get a chance and see what happens….

Why We Publish

I was asked by someone, more like berated, about why I blog. I said that it was kind of a cathartic process. A way to keep track of my thoughts and musings. A way to… Why We Publish

Pete’s Wedding

I went to my friend’s wedding over the weekend and had a great time. What a beautiful couple they make, adn it was wonderful to see how they react to each other from just a… Pete’s Wedding

Test Entry – First Entry

This is my first entry into my new webserver. I had a box die and so instead of resurecting it, I chose to start over and do it from scratch, fresh and new…. :o)


I have extensive experience with transactional e-commerce systems. I have been involved with interactive systems and mixed media transactions since 1990, when I joined Ticketmaster and was the first to identify the company’s online market… About