Amazing Meal at Bazaar
Last night, my girlfriend Michelle and I had the opportunity to have a fantastic meal. See, I am in this kind of “wine fraternity” and members are responsible throughout the year for chairing dinners. I… Amazing Meal at Bazaar
Last night, my girlfriend Michelle and I had the opportunity to have a fantastic meal. See, I am in this kind of “wine fraternity” and members are responsible throughout the year for chairing dinners. I… Amazing Meal at Bazaar
So it’s the beginning of a new season of a group of gentlemen that have been dining and drinking together, many of them for decades…. They have been gracious enough to allow me into the… The Start of a New Wine & Food Season
I was invited to a tasting of 2005 Bordeaux’s tonight by the International Wine and Food Society. It was the 449th gathering of this particular chapter. A great group of people and a lot of… 2005 Bordeaux Tasting
So a couple of friends/buddies/partners and I have done an iPhone App (opens iTunes) called… It’s all about wine! It is a front end to the worlds largest repository of wine data, vineyards, bottles… is Released For Sale in the iPhone App Store!
I ate at the “soft openning” of my friends restaurant last night, Rustic Canyon Wine Bar located at 1119 Wilshire Blvd Santa Monica, CA 90401 (310) 393-7050. It was a soft openning, where they are… Rustic Canyon Wine Bar’s Soft Openning
Last night with dinner, I shared a bottle of wine that a good friend brought. It was a 1986 St.-Emilion from Chateau Cheval-Blanc. It was fabulous! Velvety smooth, a bit smokey, with great berry flavors.… Chateau Cheval-Blanc