Plump’s Anniversary
Today is the anniversary of the passing of my beloved cat, Plump. She was a great companion and gave her life at a very difficult time… right as my nephew came into the world early… Plump’s Anniversary
Today is the anniversary of the passing of my beloved cat, Plump. She was a great companion and gave her life at a very difficult time… right as my nephew came into the world early… Plump’s Anniversary
I consider Dave Winer to be a friend even though we have only met once. And we met long before we become friends via the net. While we don’t talk regularly like he does with… Davie Winer’s Birthday Technology companies cut nearly 60,000 U.S. jobs in the first three months of the year, twice the number trimmed in the same period last year and the biggest loss of jobs in the sector… Tech industry slashing jobs again
LA Times: Xeni JARDIN arrives fashionably late, her platinum curls bobbing above the crowd as she sheds a floor-length faux fur to reveal a white silk, backless gown that so effectively evokes Marilyn Monroe, it… Behold, the wizard of blogs
Here are some pictures of me and a couple of friends at the IFC Independent Spirit Awards. We had a really good time… one of my friends wife worked on putting the event together, so… IFC Spirit Awards I used to work for these guys… I was actually employee number 7. I don’t for the life of me understand why MLB would pay such a premium. They haven’t released “numbers” since something… MLB to buy for $66 million
It’s Thanksgiving here in the US, and I just want to wish everyone a happy one. Today is a day of eating, belching, football, walking, tradition and thanking. Yeah… and thanking! I own the Treo 600 and love it. Don’t see enough new stuff to validate an expensive upgrade to the 650. I’m going to wait for a version with more memory and Wi-Fi built… PalmOne unveils latest Treo
Fantastic movie that summarizes the RNC in less than three minutes. Saddam Saddam Saddam. Terrorist. 9-11. Over and over.
Technology > Patents: Does the Patent System Need an Overhaul?” href=””>The New York Times: Since 1793, the federal government has issued patents to inventors, giving them exclusive ownership of an idea as well as the… Does the Patent System Need an Overhaul?