Security 101 and the DNC
Lance Knobel:Security 101 and the DNC Having run large scale events for a living for many years, I can totally understand his point and find it funny how securtiy just “broke down”. it’s a true… Security 101 and the DNC
Lance Knobel:Security 101 and the DNC Having run large scale events for a living for many years, I can totally understand his point and find it funny how securtiy just “broke down”. it’s a true… Security 101 and the DNC
Scripting News: Finally a great soundbite from John Kerry, I don’t recall the exact wording, but I’m sure we’ll hear it 18 million times before the election. “I don’t think we should be building fire… A Great Kerry Soundbite
Copyright Office on INDUCE Act (IICA): It isn’t Strong Enough: This is a post by Ernest Miller of a “play-by-play” of the Registrar of Copyright’s somewhat radical statement made at the INDUCE Act hearings. While… Copyright Office on INDUCE Act (IICA)
Wired News: About Gracenote and how it has become intrenched in the music business, building it’s data on the backs of music lovers only to turn a cummunity built system into a profit making private… The House That Music Fans Built
An interesting article on how to utilize some Unix to scrape for new music routinely. I’m going to set this up on my new server when i get a chance and see what happens….
I was asked by someone, more like berated, about why I blog. I said that it was kind of a cathartic process. A way to keep track of my thoughts and musings. A way to… Why We Publish